
Title: For We Are Many Authors: Dennis E. Taylor Category:supplementals Number of Highlights: 5 Date: 2022-07-17 Last Highlighted: **


Just when you think humanity has found the limits of stupid, they go and ratchet up the standard by another notch.”

We will, in time, make our way to your Sol and your Epsilon Eridani. We have seen your radio beacons. Food always thus announces itself. Fermi paradox, resolved.

Funny, I couldn’t remember any science-fiction stories that actually dealt with how you’d handle timekeeping on a new planet.

Well, the fecal matter seems to have struck the atmospheric propulsor.


We will, in time, make our way to your Sol and your Epsilon Eridani. We have seen your radio beacons. Food always thus announces itself. Fermi paradox, resolved.