
Title: Connect the Dots Authors: Paul Jun Category:#books Number of Highlights: 14 Date: 2022-12-04 Last Highlighted: 2022-12-04


part of joy in learning is that it puts me in a position to teach; nothing, however outstanding and however helpful, will ever give me any pleasure if the knowledge is to be for my benefit alone. (52)

Note: Seneca


Austin Kleon, author of Steal Like An Artist, “It’s one of my theories that when people give you advice, they’re really just talking to themselves in the past. This book is me talking to a previous version of myself.” (110)

Note: Writing Is you giving advice to your former self


In the words of Mortimer Adler, “Marking a book is literally an expression of your differences or agreements with the author. It is the highest respect you can pay him.” (252)


self-education builds discipline because many of us are so comfortable with having someone assign us work instead of actively exploring our own interests and discovering solutions to our problems. (261)


Curiosity is the panacea to boredom. If you are having a hard time connecting a dull body of knowledge to your endeavors, keep asking yourself questions and don’t sleep until you find at least a glimmer of an answer. (315)


Make It Manageable: You can only know yourself by testing yourself. At first, I was subscribed to about 50 blogs. This became too overwhelming and I ended up not reading most of them. By cutting the fat, I could focus only on the valuable stuff, the subjects that I truly want to learn deeply about. (444)

Note: Be reasonable about how much you can consume


And it’s quite frankly easier to do the trivial things that are “urgent” than it is to do the important things. But when we choose urgent over important, what we’re really choosing is other people’s priorities over our own. (507)


We reserve no time for creating, learning, thinking, and reflecting, but instead, only consuming, criticizing, and comparing. (514)


The challenge isn’t to find better tools to lead a more productive life, it’s learning to be mindful of the tools that have already taken root. Mindfulness while using technology is important, and therefore the future belongs to those who can tame their distractions. (515)


“But the upside of painful knowledge is so much greater than the downside of blissful ignorance.” — Sheryl Sandberg (578)

“Writing is thinking,” said two-time Pulitzer Prize winner David McCullough. “To write well is to think clearly. That’s why it’s hard.” (581)


The challenge of our times is discovering or rediscovering that powerful inclination and realizing that the intense desire to learn plus the pursuit of mastery paves the (662)

Perhaps this is one of the most important and arduous elements in the journey of self-education: allowing yourself to think differently and a readiness to change what you believe. (674)


It’s enormously disorienting to simply say, ‘I don’t know.’ But it’s infinitely more rewarding to understand than to be right — even if that means changing your mind about a topic, an ideology, or, above all, yourself.” (684)

Note: Mari Popova