
Title: DEF CON 31 - Terminally Owned - 60 Years of Escaping - David Leadbeater Authors: youtube.com Category:articles Number of Highlights: 8 Source URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4A7KMQEmfo&feature=youtu.be Date: 2023-10-07 Last Highlighted: 2023-10-07


for character code compatibility. Which is a bit  of a wordy thing, but basically it was saying,   “We’ve got this single character set, but  what are we going to do if we need to put   international characters in and so on.” And that was where escape was defined   as a mechanism that allowed basically to say,  “something different is coming after this point.”   And everyone here who’s done phreaking or anything  knows how great in-band signaling is. So basically

this is in-band signaling. And so the second  reference is from 1963 and that was written   by someone at AT&T. So they really loved in-band  signaling. And so this was a proposed discipline   for the use of escape. And this was kind of  the first time that, what escape might mean   was defined. And it’s very interesting to sort of  go back at the history of this and one of the key   things it actually defines is not what escape  does, but how it is passed essentially. And so

into and it was used in the development of  Unix. So sitting down here, this is 1972,   Ken Thompson is sitting down and Dennis  Richie is standing up. Ken is sitting at   a teletypewriter or a TTY. So this Unix machine  has two TTYs. We still call them TTYs, but they’re   not that device anymore, they’re something quite  different. But this is where terminals started.   So in 1976, Leah Siegler released the ADM-3A.  Now this wasn’t the first glass terminal that

the configuration options. So you open a panel and  change dip switches to adjust the speed and other   things like that. But if you look very closely at  the H, J, K and L keys, you see they’ve got arrows   and if you’re a Vim user, you might be familiar  with what those do. So this terminal was used by   Bill Joy in the development of the X Editor, which  had a mode called vi. And as we all know, the rest   is history. So this was the first device that was  used to develop the visual editor that we now know

“Position this where I want on the screen.”  And basically that makes vi possible.   So in 1978, the VT100 was released and this was  really continuing the introduction of more and   more features into terminals. But the interesting  thing about the VT100 is it was one of the first   terminals to implement this standard, which is  known as X3.64-1979. But many people know this

so that’s octal, so 033 is actually 27 in  character numbers, in decimal. So there are   many ways to represent escape. I’ve already  in this presentation shown three at the top,   but you can also use JSON and Stocks Talk  mentioned that you probably should escape   certain outputs to the screen using that.  So yeah, you can do that in JSON. If you’re   writing stuff in Go, then it doesn’t do C  style strings. So \X1B and in some cases