Title: The Kindness Method Authors: Shahroo Izadi Category:books Number of Highlights: 3 Date: 2024-09-08 Last Highlighted: 2024-09-08
For the most part, staying changed isn’t about moving away from things we don’t want, it’s about moving toward what we do want. It’s not about punishing ourselves with reminders of how bad things were or could be again, but exciting ourselves with thoughts of how much better things will keep getting. It’s about rewarding, accepting, forgiving and understanding ourselves. (246)
When we can get excited about who we want to be on a bigger scale, the habits that fit into our ideal lives will follow naturally and the ones that don’t serve us any more will gradually get pushed out. (393)
In order to get to where you want to be in the long term, you need to be okay with curiously and consciously listening to your self-sabotaging thoughts and willingly feeling your impulses, instead of trying to push them away as soon as they pop up. (595)
Title: The Kindness Method Author: Shahroo Izadi Tags: TVZ, readwise, books date: 2024-10-02
- For the most part, staying changed isn’t about moving away from things we don’t want, it’s about moving toward what we do want. It’s not about punishing ourselves with reminders of how bad things were or could be again, but exciting ourselves with thoughts of how much better things will keep getting. It’s about rewarding, accepting, forgiving and understanding ourselves. (Location 246)habits
- When we can get excited about who we want to be on a bigger scale, the habits that fit into our ideal lives will follow naturally and the ones that don’t serve us any more will gradually get pushed out. (Location 393)habits
- In order to get to where you want to be in the long term, you need to be okay with curiously and consciously listening to your self-sabotaging thoughts and willingly feeling your impulses, instead of trying to push them away as soon as they pop up. (Location 595)habitsproblem_solving