Title: These Companies Ran an Experiment- Pay Workers Their Full Salary to Work Fewer Days Authors: instapaper.com Category:articles Number of Highlights: 5 Source URL: https://instapaper.com/read/1553398821 Date: 2022-11-29 Last Highlighted: 2022-11-29
“There is clear evidence around the world that if you reduce work time, you increase productivity,” she says, pointing to findings from studies done in Iceland, New Zealand, the UK, Belgium and Japan.
One big finding was that people who work fewer hours in the week tend to get more sleep, which almost everyone in the scientific community agrees is key to productivity.
And a shortened week can drive productivity in other ways. “It forces people to prioritize better and really focus on completing their core work,” she says. “It is almost like a removal of bullshit tasks or tasks that seem important but aren’t.” She notes that companies often waste resources by keeping employees idle between meetings and tasks. “These idle hours not only fragment employees’ attention — and therefore productivity — but can also cost companies up to $100 billion a year in lost wages,” she says.
The point, she says, is that there is no one formula for increased productivity (not to mention wellbeing). To make employees truly productive, employers need to adopt a variety of workplace models. “If employers can be less prescriptive about working hours and potentially place more trust in their employees to manage their own working time, then that’s likely to have benefits,” she says.
“Tons of firms I’ve spoken to have discovered you have to use output management to manage remote workers, which means beefing up HR systems, which means more training, more 360 reviews, performance reviews,” Bloom says. “If you’re an employee, that’s good news for you because it means your boss, rather than saying you gotta be chained to your desk 50 hours a week at these strict times, they just say, ‘Get your report done, make your sales figures, achieve your targets, and kind of manage yourself.’”