
Title: Common Mistakes in DevOps Metrics Authors: Octopus Deploy Category:articles Number of Highlights: 2 Source URL: https://octopus.com/blog/common-mistakes-devops-metrics Date: 2024-03-10 Last Highlighted: 2024-03-10


Some organizations try to replicate the success of a high-performing team by making other teams follow the same process. This is rarely successful, as each team works on different problems and has different skill levels. Just as the process and practices need to be context-specific, so do the metrics.

Note: This is so true it hurts. This would be “artificial consistency”. Dashboards only need to fulfill those who use them. It doesn’t matter if they’re different for each team.


These metrics are unsuitable for a team whose primary problem is quality.

Note: This is a very good point. You should be tracking metrics that are improving what the team is actually meant to deliver on.


Title: Common Mistakes in DevOps Metrics Author: Octopus Deploy Tags: TVZ, readwise, articles date: 2024-03-26


URL: https://octopus.com/blog/common-mistakes-devops-metrics


  • Some organizations try to replicate the success of a high-performing team by making other teams follow the same process. This is rarely successful, as each team works on different problems and has different skill levels. Just as the process and practices need to be context-specific, so do the metrics. (View Highlight)technology
    • Note: This is so true it hurts. This would be “artificial consistency”. Dashboards only need to fulfill those who use them. It doesn’t matter if they’re different for each team.
  • These metrics are unsuitable for a team whose primary problem is quality. (View Highlight)devopsmetricstechnology
    • Note: This is a very good point. You should be tracking metrics that are improving what the team is actually meant to deliver on.